Table Understanding

Python version: 3

To run

usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--files FILES] [--output OUTPUT]

Run table understanding on xls/xlsx/csv files

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit

--config CONFIG config file to load (default=cfg/default.yaml)

--files FILES list of files to process in yaml format. Each file is in a new line preceded by '- ' (default=cfg/files.yaml)

--output OUTPUT Output directory for all output files (default=./)


Settings file: cfg/test.yaml

To write a colorized excel sheet with block information: colorize: true/false (Please note that colorize works only with xlsx files due to the limitations of the library we are using)

To write out dataframes from detected 'value' blocks: output_dataframe: true/false

This project implements the table extraction pipeline

Table understanding is divided into 3 sequential steps.

Step 1: Classify all the cells in the table using a pre-trained CRF based model. [cell_classifier]

Step 2: Group all the classified cells into blocks. [block_extractor]

Step 3: Find the relationship between different blocks. [layout_detector]

Extending the code

You can write your own extractors for the 3 steps in the corresponding folder, by inheriting from the corresponding base classes.

Base Class Files:,,

Corresponding to each layer, we have implemented an example class derived from it's base class.,,