GitHub-Pages Blog Content Management
- Quick summary
- Version
Summary of set up
NOTE: Below steps are tested in UBUNTU machine. Follow the steps according to the development machine
- create new virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Add pre-commit hooks to local repo
pre-commit install --install-hooks
More-info: pre-commit git URL
- create new virtual environment
Database configuration
How to run tests
Deployment instructions
PEP8 standard must be followed.
Writing unitest is mandatory.
All the pre-commit hooks must pass before committing.
Adding package requirement:
Common requirement must be added to requirements-common.txt- packages like flask, monogengine
Development requirements must be added to requirements-dev.txt
- packages like flake8, pytest, black (auto code formatter)
Deployment package must be added to requirements-prod.txt
- aws packages
- Repo owner or admin