
osx app for controlling your roku because sometimes your kids lose the remote

Primary LanguageSwift


A simple native mac app for controlling your roku.


But why?

Because my kids sometimes lose the remote and I wanted something slightly prettier than the python cli I whipped up.

Who do you blame for this?

  • @jcarbaugh made a great python-roku library that inspired me
  • @jarrodb dared me to do it
  • my kids because they keep losing the remote
  • I wanted to learn a little bit of swift

How do I build this?

note You'll need xcode 6.3+ and cocoapods installed.

Clone this repo (or fork it and then clone it)

git clone https://github.com/nod/rokumote.git

Then install the dependencies

pod install

Then build it in xcode (if you don't know this step... Do you even github?)