
This is for the EUMETSET courses to learn data provided on Atmospheric physics. In this repo, I will be providing the Jupyer notebooks related to the project that I am currently working on.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Atmospheric data analysis

Welcome to my EUMETSET Atmospheric Data Analysis Project! In this repository, I've delved into the fascinating world of atmospheric data, utilizing a wide range of data formats including hdf5, .nc, .csv, .txt, and more. Leveraging my expertise in Python, data analytics, and machine learning, I've meticulously analyzed and processed this wealth of data. Through the power of libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn, I've harnessed insights from atmospheric datasets, uncovering valuable patterns and trends. This project is a testament to my passion for data science and my dedication to unraveling the mysteries of our atmosphere. Feel free to explore the code and insights, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or collaboration opportunities.

I will be covering following topics:

  • Remote sensing
  • Satellite data collection process 🛰️📡


In this project, I will be focusing on remote sensing, and I'll delve into the intricacies of data collection and data preparation for subsequent analysis. Here are the key aspects I'll explore:

  • Remote Sensing Technologies: Understanding various remote sensing technologies, such as satellite imagery, LiDAR, or drones, and how they capture data from the Earth's surface.

  • Data Acquisition: Learning the methods and instruments used to collect remote sensing data and how these data sources can vary in terms of resolution, frequency, and type.

  • Data Preprocessing: Exploring techniques for cleaning and preprocessing remote sensing data. This may involve handling missing values, atmospheric correction, and geometric correction to ensure data accuracy.

  • Image Processing: Understanding image processing techniques specific to remote sensing, like radiometric calibration and spectral enhancement, to enhance the quality of collected imagery.

  • Data Fusion: Exploring methods for fusing data from multiple sensors or sources to create more comprehensive datasets.

  • Feature Extraction: Identifying and extracting relevant features from remote sensing data, which may include vegetation indices, land cover classifications, or other geospatial attributes.

  • Geospatial Analysis: Applying geospatial analysis techniques to extract insights from remote sensing data, including spatial statistics and spatial modeling.

  • Machine Learning for Remote Sensing: Integrating machine learning models, such as neural networks or decision trees, for tasks like image classification, object detection, or anomaly detection.

  • Data Visualization: Creating meaningful visualizations to communicate insights and results effectively.

  • Documentation: Properly documenting the methods and findings, which is crucial for reproducibility and sharing my work with others.