
A repo about the do network call using RxAndroidNetworking library within 10minutes for any type of API Call.

Primary LanguageJava


RxAndroidNetworking: A repo about the do network call using RxJava and Retrofit within 10minutes for any type of API Call.

Description: Android Rx Networking Library is a powerful library for doing any type of networking in Android applications which is made on top of Retrofit Using RxJava. No other library provides or supports Network calling using RxJava.

  • Provides a simple interface for doing all types of things in networking like setting params, its type and response model like that
  • You can check Network availability using inbuilt function

Why Using RxJava:

  • RxJava Provides more operators to manipulating API response.
  • Chaining API Calls
  • we can choose thread whether the main thread or worker thread to get response. (Thread Handlings)


Add the following dependency in your app level build.gradle


Implementing Network Call:

 // initialization of Publish subject with Response Model class
   PublishSubject<SlashdrLogin> loginPublishSubject;
    loginPublishSubject = PublishSubject.create();

//initialization of Publishprocessor 
PublishProcessor<SearchStatusResponse> ppSerchRes = PublishProcessor.create();
  • In Above code Publish subject which is one type of observable used to receive the API response its appropriate observer which is subscribed to
  • We can use PublishProcessor instead of for Flowable type of API call to handle back pressure while pagination
 // initialization of Publish subject with Response Model class
     * API call Response Handler for Login
    public void subscribeForLogin() {
                           .subscribe(new Observer<SlashdrLogin>() {
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {

            public void onNext(SlashdrLogin slashdrLogin) {
// handle response
            public void onError(Throwable e) {
               // handle error
            public void onComplete() { }
  • Above code snippets describes the subscription for the Publish subject which receives the API response.

/ * Making API call by passing needed login header parameters/
public void makeLoginRequest(String HeaderToken) {
    Log.d(TAG, "makeLoginRequest: "+HeaderToken);
    Map<String, String> hmHearders = new HashMap<>();
    hmHearders.put("Authorization", HeaderToken);
    RxNetworkRequest<SlashdrLogin> rxNetworkRequest = new RxNetworkRequest.RxNetworkRequestBuilder(this, UrlHandler.login, ObservableType.SINGLE, RequestType.POST, SlashdrLogin.class).setHeaderParams(hmHearders).build();
    if (Network_check.isNetworkAvailable(this))
        rxNetworkRequest.makeRequest(loginPublishSubject, null, "");
    else {
        Toast.makeText(this, ""+getString(R.string.poor_network_con), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  • Above code describes the making API call request.
  • Builder class required the following paramos to define API Call type:
RxNetworkRequest<SlashdrLogin> rxNetworkRequest = new RxNetworkRequest.RxNetworkRequestBuilder(this, UrlHandler.login, ObservableType.SINGLE, RequestType.POST, SlashdrLogin.class)
  • Here RxNetworkRequest is a needed class for making an API request.
  • Here Context, Endpoint, ObservableType, RequestType, and Custom class type is essential to make one API call.

Observable types:

* **FLOWABLE** - to make continuous api call for example pagination type of API calls
* **SINGLE** - to get response like success or failure we can use this login type of place
* **MAYBE** - It will return response or may not return if error any
* **COMPLETABLE** - It will call completable callback method if request is success. We can use this response in file creation

Request Types:

*  **GET** -  Use GET requests**to retrieve resource representation/information only**.
*  **POST** - Use POST APIs**to create new subordinate resources**
*  **PUT** - Use PUT APIs primarily**to update existing resource**
* **DELETE** - DELETE APIs are used**to delete resources**

Header Adding In Request:

RxNetworkRequest<SlashdrLogin> rxNetworkRequest = new RxNetworkRequest.RxNetworkRequestBuilder(this, UrlHandler.login, ObservableType.SINGLE, RequestType.POST, SlashdrLogin.class);
//headers in hashmap
Map<String, String> hmHearders = new HashMap<>();


  • setHeaderParams(hmHearders) method used to add headers
  • you have to construct header params using HashMap as a (key, value) pair

Query Params Adding in Request:

Map<String, String> hmParams = new HashMap<>();
hmParams.put("search", "ab" );
hmParams.put("page_no", "1" );
hmParams.put("queue_page", "1");
  • setQueryParams(hmParams) method used to add headers
  • you have to construct query params using HashMap as a (key, value) pair

Filed Params Adding in Request:

Map<String, String> fieldParams = new HashMap<>();
fieldParams.put("search", "ab" );
fieldParams.put("page_no", "1" );
fieldParams.put("queue_page", "1");
  • fieldParams are used to send the Formurlencoded params
  • setQueryParams(hmParams) method used to add headers
  • you have to construct query params using HashMap as a (key, value) pair

Adding Image in Request:

 file = ParamsUtils.getImageMultiPart(File file)

  • setBody() method used to upload a file in API request
  • Using getImageMultiPart(File file ), you have to get the multipart object, then has to set in NetworkRequest object using a setFile method

Adding RequestBody in Request:*

RequestBody body= ParamsUtils.getRequestBodyFromCustomObject(Object object);

  • setBody() method used to send RequestBody in API request
  • Using ParamsUtils.getRequestBodyFromCustomObject(Object object), you have to get the RequestBody object, then has to set in NetworkRequest object using setBody method

Known Issue:

  • If once API failed to get a response then Subscription will be dead, so you have to again initialise the PublishSubject object and resubscribe to get the response