Budget Analyzer is an application which can be used to keep track of person's money flow ( income and expense ).
The user can store expenses and income by running the script.
The user can review and look where he is spending a lot of money. Expenses are into different categories. They are:
1. Food
2. Travel
3. Bills
4. Clothing
5. Grocery
6. Shopping
7. Health
8. Other Expenses.
In a monthly review, user will be able to view his incomes and expenses for the last 30 days. It will be a visual representation. Expenses will be broken into categories and a cumulative expenses. Planning to use bar graph here. One bar for income and a stacked bar for expenses.
Weekly review is same as monthly review, except that it is for last 7 days.
What I have done:
1. Back end has 3 data bases ( mongo collections ).
user_details : Contains user name and password for every user.
Used during login to verify password.
balance: Contains user name and balance.
Used in get balance function.
expense_tracker: Contains the incomes and expenses.
We query this database to find the ecpenses.
What is yet to be done:
1. To make the code self explanatory ( add comments, meaningful names ).
2. Review - Plot graphs for review. ( Use seaborn ) ( Generate test records for review )
3. Backup option which will write the data into a excel file or store it in a human readable format.
4. Add Exception Handling
Test username: test Password: test