Github, twitter or other social sites like user mention plugin for e107 CMS
- 0
- 0
Errors under PHP 8.1 when running any cron scripts (e107 Schedules) while MENTIONS is installed.
#17 opened by CaMer0n - 0
notification stopped to work
#16 opened by Jimmi08 - 5
problem with some characters
#15 opened by Jimmi08 - 7
I can't use it with php 5.5
#12 opened by Jimmi08 - 1
question why is parsing used in admin area too
#13 opened by Jimmi08 - 2
tilde ~ not working in your mention app
#14 opened by wrxxy - 10
testing report
#7 opened by Jimmi08 - 6
- 1
- 1
- 3
chatbox - date/time is not inserted in email
#9 opened by Jimmi08 - 0
Turning off mentions globally in mentions admin area does not turn off mentions email notification.
#6 opened by arunshekher - 4
Feature ideas
#8 opened by Jimmi08