CSV Visualizer


You can find the task requirements [here]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KWB-QdoYlRLwPZ2kHYNt_XL1ZCX5r_GJUUETLZvw-qI


  • Node
  • MongoDB

Set up and execution

  1. Clone the repository from here
  2. Move to the cloned folder
  3. Install the necessary dependencies
  4. Run the application using the command "npm start"

Base URL

[Click Here] (http://localhost:8000/)

Application flow

  • You can upload a csv file from the home page
  • View all the uploaded files from View All files
  • Select a file to view the data
  • You can search using the search option in the header
  • Click on the sort icon to sort the data