Super Hero Hunter


Create a superhero hunter app using only vanilla javascript.

Set up and execution

  1. Clone the repository from here
  2. Open the index.html file in your preferred browser

Application flow

  • Start searching for you favourite hero by typing into the search bar
  • You will suggestions as you type
  • Click on your favourite heros name from the suggestions to see an in detail info about the selected super hero
  • If you want to add a particular hero from suggestions to your list of favourite hero click on "Add to favourites" option next to the hero name
  • You can un favourite a hero too from suggestions
  • You can navigate to your Favourite heros page from by clicking on the favourite heros link on the top right corner of the home page
  • You can view a list of your favourite super heros in the favourites page and can remove a super hero from this list by selecting the respective option