
Learning Rust

Primary LanguageMakefile

Project of the Week: Rust

Learning Rust Fundamentals

Day 1

Compiling and Running Rust (done in separate steps)

  • Compile first:
    • rustc filename.rs
    • Shows executable file and source file filename.rs
  • Then run:
    • ./filename
  • Different from dynamic languages like Python or Javascript where programs are compiled and run together

Package Management in Rust

  • Cargo
    • Tool used to manage Rust projects

    • Handles building code, downloading libraries code depends on, building said libraries

    • cargo new project_name

      • Creates new dir and project and files inside dir
    • Anatomy of cargo project

      • Cargo.toml
      • Src
      • Initializes new git repo along with .gitignore
    • Cargo.toml? What is that?


        Name = “….”
        Version = “0.1.0”
        Edition = “2023"
      • package
        • Lines underneath configure package
      • dependecies
        • List any project dependencies
    • Building and running cargo project

      • Cargo build
        • Creates executable file in target/debug/project_name
        • Cargo puts binary in debug dir by default
      • Cargo run
        • Builds and runs executable in one step
      • Cargo check
        • Check if code compiles without producing an executable
    • Building software for release

      • Cargo build —release
        • Creates executable in target/release instead of target/debug
        • Meant for when program is ready to be widely used/adopted to users

Formatting Code

  • Rustfmt filename.rs
    • Formats code with proper indentation/spacing/etc...

Day 2 (see day 2 folder for code)

Overarching concepts

  • Variables & Mutability
    • Vars are immutable by default - once defined, cannot be changed unless explicitly stated
    • Vars can be mutable with the mut keyword
      • e.g. let mut x = 4;
  • Constants
    • Values that aren’t allowed to change
  • Shadowing
    • Can declare a new variable with same name as another previously declared variable
  • Data Types
    • Scalar Types
      • Represents single value
      • Integers
      • Floating-point
      • Bool
      • Char
    • Compound Types
      • tuple
      • arrays