fibonacci broken out between web and worker tier
to deploy to a remote HP Helion Development Platform Trial cluster, installed following instructions at
- run ./ if on *nix, or ./prep_deploy.ps1 if on Windows (via powershell)
- cd deploy
- helion push -n
Or you can deploy individual services from ./deploy/web and ./deploy/worker directories respectively. The deploy directory is created so that shared resources can be copied into web and worker directories.
required services:
- rabbit-mq
- mysql
To do local debugging, you need accessible instances of mysql and rabbit_mq. You should set the variables:
- RABBITMQ_URL to amqp://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/%2f (note: default port is 5672, on localhost default user:password is guest:guest)
- MYSQL_URL to mysql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database_name} (note: default port is 3306)
You need to create your database and populate it. You can do this for web and worker by running the ./ scripts from deploy/web and deploy/worker.
after creating the database, you will be ready to debug (rabbit queues are created by web and worker)
It is recommended that you debug from the ./deploy/worker directory and web_wsgi from the ./deploy/web directory.
Note that the changes you make in web and worker top level directories need to be pushed out to ./deploy/web and ./deploy/worker by running ./