- aclong
- alexhafnerAppsmode
- bbaffordRochester, NY
- bz247
- dabreegsterThe Alan Turing Institute & Active Travel England
- erstearnsEpiMap
- fedderw@UBICenter
- FelineMotive
- fly51flyPRIS
- Freddy-Transport
- G-Sprouts
- gac55London
- Georgea75@Climate-Friendly
- gkoenig-devVienna, Austria
- he-in
- hickeyeAA
- jamescobonkerrsf bay area
- Janody
- johntrieu91Sydney, Australia
- jorgegilChalmers University of Technology
- luthfiantoJakarta, Indonesia
- Matt-Haugh
- mfitzUK
- mikhailsirenkoDelft University of Technology
- obisargoniCASA, UCL
- prof-xadk3
- QuantiumTraxion
- RobinlovelaceUniversity of Leeds
- samuelleachLondon, UK
- shriv
- snjsomnathChalmers University of Technology - Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- tkahng
- todrobbins@BONCOM
- val-ismaili
- zhwlxl