
Javascript controlled CSS animations and transitions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Keyframe is tiny JS library which exposes helper methods for creating css3 animations and transitions. The goal is to ease the creation of keyframes in cases where a property's value need to be set at runtime. In addition, Keyframe can determine whether a given css property need to have a vendor prefix, taking away some cross-browser dependent code.


bower install keyframe-js


Creating keyframe:

//Create a keyframe (can be used later)
var keyframes = Keyframe.keyframe({
    from: {
      top: 100,
      left: 100,
      background: 'yellow'
    50: {
      top: 200,
      left: 200,
      background: 'green',
      transform: 'scale(0.5,0.5)'
    to: {
      top: 300,
      left: 300,
      background: 'blue',
      transform: 'scale(1.5,1.5)'

Animating element:

    animate takes 2 parameters:
        1. DOM element to animate
        2. animation settings like in css but without 'animation' prefix
           (duration, delay, iterationCount, direction, timingFunction)
    it returns animation object with start() method
var animation = keyframes.animate(document.getElementById('element'), {
    duration: 100,
    iterationCount: 3

  start an animation by calling 'start'.
  It accepts 3 callback parameters.
      (endCallback, startCallback, iterationCallback)
  it returns animation object with 3 methods for animation flow control
var animationControls = animation.start();

/* Animation control can pause, resume and stop running animation */


    transition takes 2 parameters:
        1. DOM element to animate
        2. transition settings like in css but without 'transition' prefix
           (duration, delay, timingFunction)
    it returns transition object chain
var transition = Keyframe.transition(node,
    duration: 100
    left: 100,
    top: 100,
    width: 200,
    height: 200,
    background: 'red'
  },function onend() {
    //Called when step ended
  }, function oncancel() {
    //Called when step canceled
  .then({ //Starts transition when previous completed
      left: 100,
      top: 100,
      width: 200,
      height: 200,
      background: 'red'
    },function onend() {
      //Called when step ended
    }, function oncancel() {
      //Called when step canceled