Prompt Frontend

Create a calendar app that allows for scheduling.

Built With

This project has been built with the following:

Getting Started


Make sure you have npm installed on your machine.

npm install npm@latest -g


  1. Choose a folder to save to
cd place/to/save
  1. Create a copy of the repository
git clone
  1. Install packages required by the project
npm install


To run a local version of the project

npm start

http://localhost:3000/ will be available to open if the project has been installed successfully.

The admin account should automatically log in upon start up, however to circumvent restarting the app, the credentials are as follows:

username: admin
password: password1234


  1. Implement login/register forms
  2. Drag appointments to other parts of calendar
  3. View other months/years
  4. Different layout views