
Auth0 oauth for micro.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Auth0 oauth for micro

Add Auth0 authentication to your micro service as easy as a flick of your fingers. This module is meant to be used like a module from microauth collection.


npm install --save microauth-auth0
# or
yarn add microauth-auth0


Take your credentials from the settings section in the Auth0 dashboard :

Setting value example configuration
Allowed Callback URLs: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/auth0/callback' callbackUrl
Domain: 'your-domain.auth0.com' domain
Client ID: 'your-client-id' clientId
Client Secret: 'your-client-secret' clientSecret
connections 'database' connection
APIs 'http://nomeOfApi/' audience
scopes 'openid email address phone profile' scope
state parameter false noState
basic Auth false basicAuth
auth forward ip false send_ip
algorithm 'RS256' algorithm
Post Username and Password direct false allowPost
database connection 'database' realm
native app true PKCE
'prompt=none' parameter true silentPrompt
when discovering host and protocol true trustProxy
not check these paths ['/imagine/(.*)','/wth/'] whitelist
path to login redirect '/auth/auth0/' path



const send = require('micro').send;
const microAuthAuth0 = require('.');

const options = {
  domain: process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN,
  clientId: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET,
  callbackUrl: process.env.AUTH0_CALLBACKURL, // 'http://localhost:3000/auth/auth0/callback'
  connection: null, // Forces the user to sign in with a specific connection
  path: '/auth/auth0',
  scope: 'openid email address phone profile offline_access' 
  // profile scope = name, family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, preferred_username, profile, picture, website, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, and updated_at

const auth0 = microAuthAuth0(options);

// Third `auth` argument will provide error or result of authentication
// so it will { err: errorObject} or { result: {
//  provider: 'auth0',
//  accessToken: 'blahblah',
//  tokens: {all tokens and related information}
//  info : {
//    user : {data from /userinfo endpoint}
//    apiToken : {decoded access jwt token}
//    idToken : {decoded token id}
// }}}

const handler = async (req, res, auth) => {

  if (!auth) {
    return send(res, 404, 'Not Found');

  if (auth.err) {
    // Error handler
    return send(res, 403, 'Forbidden');

  // Save something in database here

  return `Hello ${auth.result.info.user.nickname} !`;


module.exports = auth0(handler);


micro app.js

Now visit http://localhost:3000/auth/auth0


Ademar Arvati Filho