
Arduino ISP and HVSP/HVPP Shield

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Arduino ISP and HVSP/HVPP Shield for ATtiny Microcontoller


This repository is discontinued and only provided for others to further work with its content.

Eagle CAD version 7 was used to create the schematic and board files. The latest version I've tested was Eagle CAD v7.7. I do not support the price and product policy of Autodesk and therefore have moved from Eagle CAD to the free and open source KiCad. I can only recommend you to do the same.

Version 1.0

This is the original version of the Arduino ISP shield which not only has been successfully tested but also copied/created by various other users.

If you are unsure which version to use for further experiments stick to this one.

Version 1.1

This was a slightly improved version of the original ATtiny ISP Shield. This version was never produced and never tested as real hardware.

Version 2.0

This was an experimental version which not only should allow the programming of ATtiny microcontollers but also erase their fuses (via high voltage programming).

The TopoR autorouter was used to route the v2.0 board which then was used to generate the Gerber files. I've added an ripped-up version of the board for compatibility reasons.