
Spelling game to improve ones vocabulary

Primary LanguagePython


This game is intended to practice spelling. It is built on Python3 and is available to run with and without GUI.

SpellngGame UI


  • gtts
  • json
  • pandas
  • random
  • difflib
  • tkinter
  • playsound

To play though GUI

  • Clone the repo
  • CD SpellingGame
  • python3 GUI/gui.py

To play on Terminal

  • Clone the repo
  • CD SpellingGame
  • python3 Script/main.py
Play: <1/0>: 1
Listen again: <1/0>: 1
Listen again: <1/0>: 0
Enter the word: palace
Correct Input :) 
Exit: <1/0>: 1
Listen again: <1/0>: 0
Enter the word: transmitive
Incorrect Input :(  transmitted
Get Meaning: <1/0>: 1
transmitted :  ['To carry, particularly to a particular destination.', 'To send data over the airwaves, as in radio or television.', 'To spread or pass on something such as a disease or a signal.', 'To communicate news or information.', 'To convey energy or force through a mechanism.']
Exit: <1/0>: 0

Want to contribute?

  • Go through the open issues and read the description
  • Please ask any doubt in the comment section of the issues before making assumptions