
📊 Web application to visualize sorting algorithms using ReactJS, Redux and Tailwind CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Web application to visualize sorting algorithms using ReactJS, Redux and Tailwind CSS.





This repository use yarn as package manager or you can also use npm as an alternative. To build this app you need following dependencies:

  • react,
  • redux,
  • tailwindcss,
  • sass, and
  • parcel-bundler


1.1. Download Dependencies

Fork this repository to make a copy in your own GitHub account and clone it to your development environment. Then:

# Move to your recently copied app directory
$ cd your/copied/app/directory

# Use only one of these command below depending on what package manager you use
$ yarn install  # For yarn
$ npm install   # For npm
1.2. Live Reloading

You can enable hot module replacement while developing this app. Your browser will reload automatically every time you make changes and save the files.

$ yarn watch    # For yarn
$ npm run watch # For npm
1.3. Build the App for Production

While watch is useful for development, it's not good for production use. You need to disable all development features in your app and bundle all of the source files so you can deploy it to your server.

$ yarn build    # For yarn
$ npm run build # For npm