Ruby library for Work in progress, contributions welcome but keep in mind that the official docs seem to refer to an older version of their API. Eg, /v1/candles is no longer functional.
If you like this, send pull requests. Bitcoin works too: 12bEpFnsvPPUS57PnuSJPZe6zHvwcyYFVb
./bin/ticker Bid: 839.16 Ask: 838.66
./bin/timed_tx sell 1 on bitfinex -x 10 -i 60 [*] timed_tx Will: sell 1.0 BTC @ $1500 USD 10 time(s) on bitfinex 1 order every 60 seconds pausing 10 seconds, hit ctrl-c to abort Placed order 5584165 (1.0 @ 1000.0), waiting for completion ..
If you're on OSX, you will probably need to install the RapidSSL CA bundle, (included in the support dir). If you installed OpenSSL via homebrew, it will need to go into /usr/local/etc/openssl/certs
Otherwise, if you're getting SSL errors, fire up irb and do: puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_DIR
And either add it to the cert file or drop it in the directory and run c_rehash