
a bittorrent client for servers

Primary LanguageC++


libtorrent-daemon is a bittorrent client specifically made for servers.

It includes support for using the uTorrent web UI or the transmission web UI.

Prominent features include:

  • serving web UI over SSL
  • user accounts with varying level of access to settings (controlled via separate password file)
  • auto-load directory
  • HTTP POST of .torrent files for adding
  • downloading files from torrents via an HTTP interface (i.e. uTorrent /proxy requests)
  • deamonization
  • error and debug log file
  • pid file
  • auto-load directory
  • periodic saving of resume files
  • simple plain text configuration file (which overrides any settings)
  • save and resore of settings in settings.dat


libtorrent-daemon depends on libtorrent and libtorrent-webui.

The Jamfile in the root expects those directories to be checked out next to the libtorrent-daemon directory.

libtorrent in turn depend boost, and on openssl (in case it's built with encryption=openssl).

To build, you need boost-build and openssl installed.

To build, invoke the command:


If you have a directory with boost instead of having it installed, make sure the environment variable BOOST_ROOT is set to that directory and invoke:

bjam boost=source

This should produce two executables in the root directory of libtorrent-deamon:

  • libtorrent-deamon
  • add_user


In order to deploy using the uTorrent webUI. Unzip the webui.zip as a gui directory from the current working directory of the daemon.

To deploy with transmission webui, place the javascript and html files in a web directory in the current working directory of the daemon.

To set up users, use the add_user command line tool like this:

The group IDs are:

  1. admin user, full access
  2. read-only user
  3. limited user (can add and remove torrents, but not change configurations)

command line arguments

Most of the command line arguments are straight forward and explained by running libtorrent-daemon --help.

The configuration file format is:

key: value

Where key is the name of a libtorrent setting.

In order to make libtorrent-daemon accept webui request over SSL, you need to provide a .pem-file to the -s option.

To generate a certificate, run:

openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes

The user configuration file supports three levels of users. full access, limited access and read only. These categories of users are groups 0, 1 and 2 respectively. In order to generate a users.conf file, use the add_user tool from the libtorrent-webui repo.

User configuration files are only loaded on startup. If you add or remove a user, you need to restart libtorrent-daemon for it to take effect.