
React Native map clustering both for Android and iOS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple module that adds map clustering for both iOS and Android.


  • 1.2.0 version brings new algorithm based on supercluster library. It's super fast now ;)

Pre requirements:

In general all you have to do to start:

npm install react-native-maps --save
react-native link react-native-maps
  • Minimum versions you need for this module:

    react: >=15.4.0
    react-native >=0.40
    react-native-maps >=0.15.0


All you have to do:

npm install react-native-map-clustering --save


Usage is very simple:

  1. Import MapView
import MapView from 'react-native-map-clustering';
  • Import Marker
import { Marker } from 'react-native-maps';
  1. Add this to your render method (you can put your own markers and region):
    region={{latitude: 52.5, longitude: 19.2,
             latitudeDelta: 8.5, longitudeDelta: 8.5}}
    style={{width: mapWidth, height: mapHeight}}>
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.0, longitude: 18.2}} />
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.4, longitude: 18.7}} />
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.1, longitude: 18.4}} />
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.6, longitude: 18.3}} />
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 51.6, longitude: 18.0}} />
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 53.1, longitude: 18.8}} />
    <Marker coordinate={{latitude: 52.9, longitude: 19.4}} />
  1. That's all!.


Alt Text

Advanced Usage

  • For things like animateToRegion or animateToCoordinate and other methods, all you have to do is to refer to _root in your MapView reference.


  • Create reference to your main MapView.
            ref = {(ref)=>this.mapView=ref}
  • With this reference you can for example animateToRegion like this:
       let r = {
            latitude: 42.5,
            longitude: 15.2,
            latitudeDelta: 7.5,
            longitudeDelta: 7.5,
        this.mapView._root.animateToRegion(r, 2000);

Advanced Usage #2

If you want to control cluster on click event, here is example of zooming in to your cluster position:

  1. Define you zoom animation function:
       let newRegion = {
            latitude: coordinate.latitude,
            longitude: coordinate.longitude,
            latitudeDelta: this.mapView.state.region.latitudeDelta - this.mapView.state.region.latitudeDelta/2,
            longitudeDelta: this.mapView.state.region.longitudeDelta - this.mapView.state.region.longitudeDelta/2,
        this.mapView._root.animateToRegion(newRegion, 1000);
  1. Add onClusterPress prop to your MapView.
        ref = {(ref)=>this.mapView=ref}

Advanced Usage #3

Added in version: 1.2.4

Getting info about markers in selected cluster:

       onClusterPress = {(coordinates,markers)=>{

Advanced Usage #4

Adding custom cluster design: (Added in version 1.1.5)

You can pass prop called customClusterMarkerDesign with you HTML element that will be used as background for cluster.


        customClusterMarkerDesign =
        {(<Image style = {{width: imageWidth, height:imageHeight}}
        source = {require('./customCluster.png')}/>)}

That's all!

Advanced Usage #5

Excluding marker from being clustered at all. (Added in version 1.2.6)

All you have to do is to add 'cluster' prop to marker like this:

     cluster = {false}
     coordinate={{latitude: x, longitude: y}}>

Extra props to control your clustering

Name Type Default Note
clustering bool true Set true to enable and false to disable clustering.
radius Int 17 Controls range of clustering.
clusterColor String #F5F5F5 Background color of cluster.
clusterTextColor String #FF5252 Color of text in cluster.
clusterBorderColor String #FF5252 Color of border. Set to transparent if you don't want borders.
clusterBorderWidth Int 1 Width of border. Set to 0 if you don't want borders.
clusterTextSize Int 18 Text size for clusters.
onClusterPress Function null Allows you to control cluster on click event. Function returns coordinate of cluster.
customClusterMarkerDesign HTML element null Custom background for your clusters.

Example of using props:

    clustering = {true}
    clusterColor = '#000'
    clusterTextColor = '#fff'
    clusterBorderColor = '#fff'
    clusterBorderWidth = {4}
    region={{latitude: 52.5, longitude: 19.2,
             latitudeDelta: 8.5, longitudeDelta: 8.5}}
    style={{width: mapWidth, height: mapHeight}}>

Support and donations ;)

If you need help or more customized solution email me: tomasz.przybyl.it@gmail.com

I am a student so any donations will help me to create more cool modules ;)

Thanks for any donations, have a great day and Happy Coding ;)

