ringbuff implement, plz refer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/827691/how-do-you-implement-a-circular-buffer-in-c http://c.learncodethehardway.org/book/ex44.html
please see main function to learn how to use, such as below:
circular_buffer cb;
size_t sz = 10;
size_t capacity = 5;
char* item = malloc(sz);
cb_init(&cb, capacity, sz);
snprintf(item, sz, "1 The simplest solution would be to keep track\n");
cb_push_back(&cb, item);
snprintf(item, sz, "2 Circular buffer in JavaScript");
cb_push_back(&cb, item);
//data(0) =1 The sim
//data(1) =2 Circula
gcc main.c ringbuff.c -o main && ./main