Crop status analysis module for BandiPurri Smart Farm
Crop status analysis module for BandiPurri Smart Farm packaged as MATLAB assembly for C# .NET project integration (x64 build).
Run installer file in \for_redistribution folder. This will install the required MATLAB runtime if not detected and put application DLL in C:\Program Files\NareTrends\ folder
Put crop data file bandicrop_data.ini in the installation folder or any location that can be specified in the code. C:\Program Files\NareTrends\BandiCropAnalyzer\application\
Create references in Visual Studio Project for the installed library and MATLAB's MWArray library:
C:\Program Files\NareTrends\BandiCropAnalyzer\application\BandiCropAnalyzer.dll
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\v##\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\version\MWArray.dll
- Define import headers in C# code:
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;
using BandiCropAnalyzer;
Sample C# console application provided in BandiCropAnalyzer.cs