
Minify GIF, JPEG and PNG images seamlessly with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

image-min Build Status

Minify GIF, JPEG and PNG images seamlessly with Node.js.

Getting started

Install with npm: npm install image-min


The callback returns size which tells you how much optimization was done.

var imagemin = require('image-min');

imagemin(img.gif, img-minified.gif, function (data) {
    console.log('Saved ' + data.size);

imagemin(img.jpg, img-minified.jpg, { progressive: true }, function (data) {
    console.log('Saved ' + data.size);

imagemin(img.png, img-minified.png, { pngquant: true, optimizationLevel: 4 }, function (data) {
    console.log('Saved ' + data.size);


imagemin(src, dest, opts, cb)

Optimize a GIF, JPEG, or PNG image by providing a src and dest. Use the options below (optionally) to configure how your images are optimized.


  • cache — Whether to cache optimized images
  • interlaced (GIF only) — Interlace gif for progressive rendering
  • optimizationLevel (PNG only) — Select optimization level between 0 and 7
  • progressive (JPEG only) — Lossless conversion to progressive


MIT License (c) Kevin Mårtensson