------------------------------------------------ Example Usage ------------------------------------------------ See help information: ./turnin_helper.py --help Extract sample project(s) to current folder by default: ./turnin_helper.py -x SAMPLE_PROJ Notice the addition of the bboe-1 folder (most recent bboe submission) Notice the extract_log file added inside this folder Extract sample project(s) to "working" directory ./turnin_helper.py -x SAMPLE_PROJ --work-dir=working Must answer yes to the confirmation question Compile already extracted project(s) in "working" directory ./turnin_helper.py -m SAMPLE_PROJ --work-dir=working Note the addition of the make_log file inside the project folder(s) Notice: running student submitted makefiles can be dangerous as they can do something like `rm -rf ~` which will delete everything in your directory. I recommend not allowing students to make modifications to the makefile and providing a known clean makefile via the --makefile option. Clean up (delete) project(s) in "working" directory ./turnin_helper.py --work-dir=working --purge SAMPLE_PROJ Note that this will only delete folders and their contents which correspond to the folders created via extraction. If the working folder happens to be empty after all the project folders have been deleted then a confirmation will appear asking if you'd like to delete the working folder. Extract and run `make clean` on sample project(s) in "working" directory ./turnin_helper.py -m SAMPLE_PROJ --work-dir=working --target=clean ------------------------------------------------ Proceedure to batch email students their grades ------------------------------------------------ Once a project has been extracted a grade emails can be sent to all the students in one simple proceedure. There are a couple of features here: - In each student's project directory a GRADE file can be created. If a project has a GRADE file in it, when invoking the --email function that student will be sent an email containing the contents of this file. Emails are constructed from the student's username@cs.ucsb.edu. This might potentially cause problems with CE and visiting students, but I'm not sure. Conversely students without a GRADE file will not receive an email. - In the working directory a generic GRADE file can be created. This will be be appended to the individial message a student receives. Incredibly useful for generic information about the project's grading. Example proceedure for emailing me (bboe) with the sample project: ./turnin_helper.py -x SAMPLE_PROJ --work-dir=working echo "Generic info about SAMPLE_PROJ" > working/GRADE echo "BBOE specific info regarding SAMPLE_PROJ" > working/bboe-1/GRADE ./turnin_helper.py --email=bboe SAMPLE_PROJ/ --work-dir=working The email I receive looks like: From: Bryce Boe <bboe@cs.ucsb.edu> Received: from csil.cs.ucsb.edu (localhost []) by csil.cs.ucsb.edu (8.14.3/8.14.3) with ESMTP id n9F51GkM023424 for <bboe@cs.ucsb.edu>; Wed, 14 Oct 2009 22:01:16 -0700 Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 22:01:16 -0700 To: bboe@cs.ucsb.edu Subject: SAMPLE_PROJ Grade BBOE specific info regarding SAMPLE_PROJ Generic info about SAMPLE_PROJ