
This is the repository to store my assignments and submissions for the University of Helsinki Full Stack Open Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the repository to store my assignments and submissions for the University of Helsinki Full Stack Open Course

Repository format

  • Each chapter has a corresponding folder
  • The folders that I've completed (except for part0, as that was introductory) have top-level READMEs that explain the concepts from that unit and discuss the completed projects
  • Projects mentioned in the READMEs have associated READMEs that go a bit more in-depth about the technologies and concepts applied in their creations
  • There are more projects in each chapter, but I've only opted to include the ones that
    • Seemed to be significant in terms of new content
    • Didn't provide a lot of code for me to start with

Top-Level View of FullStackOpen

This is a list of all of the topics in FullStackOpen, with the checked-off ones being the topics I've covered. I've also attached links to the projects from that chapter that deal with the listed topics.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to React
    • Introduction to React
    • JavaScript
    • Component state & event handlers
    • Complex states & debugging - see Anecdotes
  • Chapter 2: Communicating With Servers
  • Chapter 3: Programming Servers With NodeJS and Express
    • Node.js and Express
    • Deploying an app to the internet
    • Saving data to MongoDB
    • Validation and ESLint
  • Chapter 4: Testing Express Servers & User Authentication
    • Structure of backend applications & intro to testing
    • Testing backends
    • User administration
    • Token administration
  • Chapter 5: Testing React Apps
    • Login in frontend
    • props.children and prototypes
    • Testing React apps
    • End-to-end testing
  • Chapter 6: State Management With Redux
    • Flux-architecture and Redux
    • Many reducers
    • Communicating with servers in Redux apps
    • connect
  • Chapter 7: React Router, Custom Hooks, and Styling Apps with CSS and Webpack
    • react-router
    • Custom hooks
    • More about styles
    • Webpack
    • Class components & misc. info
    • Exercises: extending the bloglist
  • Chapter 8: GraphQL
    • GraphQL-server
    • React and GraphQL
    • Database and user administration
    • Login and updating the cache
    • Fragments and subscriptions
  • Chapter 9: TypeScript
    • Background and introduction
    • First steps with TypeScript
    • Typing Express apps
    • React with types
  • Chapter 10: React Native
    • Introduction to React Native
    • React Native basics
    • Communicating with servers
    • Testing and extending our app
  • Chapter 11: CI/CD
    • Introduction to CI/CD
    • Getting started with GitHub Actions
    • Deployment
    • Keeping green
    • Expanding further
  • Chapter 12: Containers
    • Introduction to containers
    • Building and configuring environments
    • Basics of orchestration
  • Chapter 13: Using Relational Databases
    • Using relational DBs with Sequelize
    • Join tables and queries
    • Migrations and many-to-many relationships