
LDAP authentication plugin for GoCD

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GoCD LDAP/AD Authentication Plugin

LDAP plugin which implements the GoCD Authorization Plugin endpoint.

Building the code base

To build the jar, run ./gradlew clean test assemble


These plugins require GoCD version v17.5 or above.


  • From GoCD 17.5.0 onwards the plugin comes bundled along with server, hence a separate installation is not required.


The plugin requires necessary configurations to connect to LDAP/AD. The configuration can be added by adding a Authorization Configuration by visting the Authorization Configuration page under Admin > Security.

Alternatively, the configuration can be added directly to the config.xml using the <authConfig> configuration.

  • Example Configuration

         <authConfig id="profile-id" pluginId="cd.go.authentication.ldap">
  • Url (Mandatory) : Specify your ldap server URL. The plugin does not support configuring certificates for connecting to LDAP server over SSL, a workaround for this issue involves importing the certificates directly into java's cacerts.

  • ManagerDN (Optional): The LDAP/AD manager user's DN, used to connect to the LDAP/AD server.

  • Password (Mandatory if ManagerDN provided): The LDAP/AD manager password, used to connect to the LDAP/AD server. Required only if a ManagerDN is specified.

  • SearchBases (Mandatory): This field defines the location in the directory from which the LDAP search begins. You can provide multiple search bases. If multiple search bases are configured the plugin would look for the user in each search base sequentially until the user is found.

    Single search base:


    Multiple search base

  • UserLoginFilter (Mandatory): It is an LDAP search filter used during authentication to lookup for a user entry matching the given expression.

    In the following example the filter would search for a username matching the sAMAccountName attribute.

  • UserSearchFilter (Optional): It is an LDAP search filter used to lookup for users matching a given search term. This is an optional configuration, the default filter used is (|(sAMAccountName=*{0}*)(uid=*{0}*)(cn=*{0}*)(mail=*{0}*)(otherMailbox=*{0}*)).

  • DisplayNameAttribute (Optional): Value of this attribute is mapped to GoCD User displayname, default attribute used is cn.

  • EmailAttribute (Optional): Value of this attribute is mapped to GoCD User mail, default value used is mail.


Note: The plugin allows having multiple configurations to connect to different LDAP/AD servers

<authConfig id="second-profile-id" pluginId="cd.go.authentication.ldap">


Verify Connection

For a given Authorization Configuration verify if the plugin can connect to the LDAP/AD server. The Authorization Configuration page under Admin > Security gives an option to verify connection.

Enable Debug Logs

  • On Linux:

    Enabling debug level logging can help you troubleshoot an issue with this plugin. To enable debug level logs, edit the file /etc/default/go-server (for Linux) to add:

    export GO_SERVER_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES="$GO_SERVER_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES -Dplugin.cd.go.authentication.ldap.log.level=debug"

    If you're running the server via ./server.sh script:

    $ GO_SERVER_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES="-Dplugin.cd.go.authentication.ldap.log.level=debug" ./server.sh
  • On windows:

    Edit the file config/wrapper-properties.conf inside the GoCD Server installation directory (typically C:\Program Files\Go Server):

    # config/wrapper-properties.conf
    # since the last "wrapper.java.additional" index is 15, we use the next available index.


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