Bump up document site version

  • api.go.cd
  • plugin-api.go.cd
  • developer.go.cd
  • docs.go.cd

To bump up above mentioned document site version run following command -

bundle install --path .bundle --binstubs
ORG=bdpiparva REPO_NAME=plugin-api.go.cd GITHUB_USER=foo GITHUB_TOKEN=bar NEXT_VERSION=18.12.0 VERSION_TO_RELEASE=18.11.0 bundle exec rake bump_docs_version

On build.gocd.org download version.json file from installers pipeline using fetch artifact task. Setup following environment variables at pipeline level


Create a job with following task -

bundle install --path .bundle --binstubs
REPO_NAME=plugin-api.go.cd bundle exec rake bump_docs_version

Note: Here script is reading VERSION_TO_RELEASE from version.json file

Bump up extension docs

bundle install --path .bundle --binstubs
PREVIOUS_VERSION=18.10.0 GITHUB_USER=foo GITHUB_TOKEN=bar bundle exec rake bump_extensions_doc_version

Note: Here script is reading VERSION_TO_RELEASE from version.json file