
The internal matching script for Grinded.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a python client for the Tinder API.

Please see the examples for more information on how to use.

You start by instantiating a pynder.Session object with a Facebook ID and Facebook access token.

Once your session is initialized you have the following methods / attributes:

import pynder
session = pynder.Session(facebook_id, facebook_auth_token)
session.matches() # get users you have already been matched with
session.update_location(LAT, LON) # updates latitude and longitude for your profile
session.profile  # your profile. If you update its attributes they will be updated on Tinder.
users = session.nearby_users() # returns a list of users nearby

When you run nearby_users you will receive a list of Hopeful objects. These have the following properties:

user = users[0]
user.bio # their biography
user.name # their name
user.photo # a list of photo URLs
user.thumbnail #a list of thumbnails of photo URLS
user.age # their age
user.birth_date # their birth_date
user.ping_time # last online
user.distance_km # distane from you
user.common_connections # friends in common
user.common_interests # likes in common - returns a list of {'name':NAME, 'id':ID}
user.get_photos(width=WIDTH) # a list of photo URLS with either of these widths ["84","172","320","640"]
user.instagram_username # instagram username
user.instagram_photos # a list of instagram photos with these fields for each photo: 'image','link','thumbnail'
user.schools # list of schools
user.jobs # list of jobs

You may run user.like(), user.superlike() or user.dislike() on that user.

For your list of matches, they will have the same attributes as above except you can't dislike or like them. You can, however, see any messages exchanged (match.messages) or send them a message yourself (match.message("Eyyyy gurl")).

Please let me know if you have any questions or bug reports.


To run the tests add a test.ini to the pynder/tests/ folder with your facebook auth details:

facebook_id = XXXX
facebook_token = YYYY

And install the needed test deps:

$ pip install vcrpy nose coverage

Now we we can run the tests:

$ nosetests pynder --with-coverage --cover-package pynder

ATTENTION The recored request may contain personal data so remove them before committing.