
Verilog implementations of 6 different hardware multiplier architectures

Primary LanguageVerilog

High-speed Hardware Integer Multiplier Implementations


The purpose of this project is to design high speed hardware integer multipliers and implement them in Verilog.


During 2nd half of 2017-18, a 16-bit fully pipelined processor based on MIPS-I ISA was designed and implemented by a team of four students. However, the multiplication operation in their implementation was done via the ‘*’ operator. This is not an efficient implementation. Therefore, the goal of my project was to understand different existing methodologies for implementing the integer multipliers from existing literature and subsequently implement them.


For the purpose of this project, I have implemented 6 different multipliers as follows:

  1. 8-bit signed (2’s complement) multiplier using radix-4 modified booth algorithm and two 4-bit Carry-Lookahead-Adders.
  2. 8-bit unsigned multiplier using radix-4 modified booth algorithm and three 4-bit Carry-Lookahead-Adders.
  3. 8-bit unsigned multiplier using four 8-bit unsigned multiplier modules and a 1 level CSA-based Wallace tree and a 16-bit 2-level CLA.
  4. 16-bit (2’s complement) multiplier using four 8-bit multiplier modules and a 1 level CSA-based Wallace tree and a 16-bit 2-level CLA. The 8-bit multiplier modules used are unsigned, signed, signed-unsigned multipliers.
  5. 16-bit booth algorithm array multiplier for 2’s complement numbers
  6. 16-bit array multiplier for unsigned numbers.


Each multiplier has a single folder devoted for it and all the required Verilog files are self-contained within the respective multiplier folders. Every Verilog file begins with a few lines of comments describing the purpose of that particular module. In addition to the design implementation, I have also tested the working of all multipliers successfully and extensively using testbenches. All the Verilog modules themselves also contain their individual test-benches.


My main reference for this project is ‘Computer Arithmetic Algorithms’ by Israel Koren. After thoroughly understanding the theory behind the working multipliers I proceeded to implementing them in Verilog.

To understand the implementations fully, it is recommended to go through the hardware architectures from the included pdfs and refer Chap 6(fully) & Chap 5 (section 5.6) of the reference book. After doing that, it is advised to go through the Verilog code and subsequently run the test-bench of each multiplier and observe their waveforms.

Since I have followed a structural Verilog modelling methodology, the existing designs can be easily extended to many different multiplier designs. Synthesis of all Verilog designs has been done and their hardware usage has been calculated.

Next Steps

With different multipliers already implemented in Verilog, the subsequent goal is successfully integrating these multipliers into the existing 16-bit MIPS-I processor.