
HeySnow -C# ft Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Primary LanguageC#


HeySnow -C# ft Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Snowflake bitmaps rendering on transparent window form.

Convert the mp3 file to wav to work with in built player(Unfortunately Github doesn't allow me to upload the wav file ...Adjust the music path accordingly e.g. if your project is under C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Hey_SNOW C# ensure you list the path as C:/Users/Username/Desktop/Hey_SNOW C#

2018-09-27 2 Snow effect in effect.

To adjust Colour/Color of the snow flake Edit - #region Properties //Color blue = Color.FromArgb(1, 1, 255); //Color white = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); Adjust RGB to user preference. 2018-09-27 5 Adjusted Snowflake Colour/Color.

2018-09-27 3 Notification Icon- Double Click to end program