Open source data de-identification / anonymization software providing scalability, usability and support for various anonymization techniques.
Berlin, Germany
arx-deidentifier's Followers
- 1337h4xx
- abansal1085
- adam-mossUnited Kingdom
- armenakThe University of British Columbia
- BiCzarGenius IT Solutions Inc.
- briancabbottBellevue, WA
- ChenyuLUniversity of Pittsburgh SOM, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- christianorios
- davrodgon
- DEV-MalletteSOutaouais
- gallypette@CIRCL
- gaoquanaoalibaba-inc
- geoffrothmanChicago, IL
- imageshow
- kiet1375
- Lerajaro@robert-koch-institut
- LimemeBA
- liuyang21cnDallas, TX
- lordlinus@microsoft
- luizferrbarbosaLocalhost
- Nkanga-PedroData Insights Information and Services
- nunesghUFMG
- nwjnwj
- PepijndeReusAmsterdam
- pr0b3r7@humanaoffsec @Hacker-Hermanos
- PrivacyCDNJohn Wunderlich & Associates, Inc.
- RAufschlaeger
- StephCpa
- SybrandDoev
- synchrisCyprus
- tanjascatsSBA Research
- vbravob1st consulting
- woqls22Hyundai Motor Company
- wslayton