
Script.exportTextures() only exports textures when the handler is a single class

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Script.exportTextures() uses isUsesTextures() to detect whether a script handler contains a command where textures might be in use. isUsesTextures() does not detect values of script handlers when those are grouped together into a UsesTextures[], () => UsesTextures or () => UsesTextures[]. When this happens exportTextures() is not being called on the ScriptCommand instance.

This is okay:

const oldTexture = new Texture({ filename: '[wood]_ALICIAROOM_LAMBRIS02.jpg' })
const newTexture = Texture.fromCustomFile({
  filename: 'youre-winner.jpg',
  sourcePath: './textures',

entity.script?.on('init', new TweakSkin(oldTexture, newTexture))

This isn't:

const oldTexture = new Texture({ filename: '[wood]_ALICIAROOM_LAMBRIS02.jpg' })
const newTexture = Texture.fromCustomFile({
  filename: 'youre-winner.jpg',
  sourcePath: './textures',

entity.script?.on('init', () => new TweakSkin(oldTexture, newTexture))

This also isn't working:

const oldTexture = new Texture({ filename: '[wood]_ALICIAROOM_LAMBRIS02.jpg' })
const newTexture = Texture.fromCustomFile({
  filename: 'youre-winner.jpg',
  sourcePath: './textures',

entity.script?.on('init', () => {
  return [
    new TweakSkin(oldTexture, newTexture)),
    // other commands

Events are stored as: Record<string, ScriptHandler[]> and ScriptHandler is ScriptHandlerBase | (() => ScriptHandlerBase). ScriptHandlerBase is string | string[] | ScriptCommand | ScriptCommand[]

A ScriptHandler might need to get partially validated when exportTextures is called. Until then if a ScriptCommand uses textures then it has to be added one-by-one to an event.