
Derive for arrow2

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Provides an API on top of arrow2 to convert between rust types and Arrow.

The Arrow ecosystem provides many ways to convert between Arrow and other popular formats across several languages. This project aims to serve the need for rust-centric data pipelines to easily convert to/from Arrow via an auto-generated compile-time schema.


Types that implements the ArrowField, ArrowSerialize and ArrowDeserialize traits can be converted to/from Arrow via the try_into_arrow and the try_into_collection methods.

The ArrowField implementation for a type defines the Arrow schema. The ArrowSerialize and ArrowDeserialize implementations provide the conversion logic via arrow2's data structures.


  • A derive macro, ArrowField, can generate implementations of the above traits for structures. Support for enums is in progress.
  • Implementations are provided for Arrow primitives
    • Numeric types
      • [u8], [u16], [u32], [u64], [i8], [i16], [i32], [i64], [f32], [f64]
    • Other types:
      • [bool], [String], [Binary]
    • Temporal types:
      • [chrono::NaiveDate], [chrono::NaiveDateTime]
  • Blanket implementations are provided for types that implement the above traits:
    • Option
    • Vec
  • Large Arrow types [LargeBinary], [LargeString], [LargeList] are supported via the override attribute. Please see the complex_example.rs for usage.
  • Fixed size types [FixedSizeBinary], [FixedSizeList] are supported via the FixedSizeVec type override.
    • Note: nesting of [FixedSizeList] is not supported.
  • Scalars and enums are in progress
  • Support for generics, slices and reference is currently missing.

This is not an exhaustive list. Please open an issue if you need a feature.


Pass-thru conversions perform a single memory copy. Deserialization performs a copy from arrow2 to the destination. Serialization performs a copy from the source to arrow2. In-place deserialization is theoretically possible but currently not supported.


Below is a bare-bones example that does a round trip conversion of a struct with a single field.

Please see the complex_example.rs for usage of the full functionality.

/// Simple example

use arrow2::array::Array;
use arrow2_convert::{deserialize::TryIntoCollection, serialize::TryIntoArrow, ArrowField};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, ArrowField)]
pub struct Foo {
    name: String,

fn test_simple_roundtrip() {
    // an item
    let original_array = [
        Foo { name: "hello".to_string() },
        Foo { name: "one more".to_string() },
        Foo { name: "good bye".to_string() },

    // serialize to an arrow array. try_into_arrow() is enabled by the TryIntoArrow trait
    let arrow_array: Box<dyn Array> = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap();

    // which can be cast to an Arrow StructArray and be used for all kinds of IPC, FFI, etc.
    // supported by `arrow2`
    let struct_array= arrow_array.as_any().downcast_ref::<arrow2::array::StructArray>().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(struct_array.len(), 3);

    // deserialize back to our original vector via TryIntoCollection trait.
    let round_trip_array: Vec<Foo> = arrow_array.try_into_collection().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(round_trip_array, original_array);


Similarities with Serde

The design is inspired by serde. The ArrowSerialize and ArrowDeserialize are analogs of serde's Serialize and Deserialize respectively.

However unlike serde's traits provide an exhaustive and flexible mapping to the serde data model, arrow2_convert's traits provide a much more narrower mapping to arrow2's data structures.

Specifically, the ArrowSerialize trait provides the logic to serialize a type to the corresponding arrow2::array::MutableArray. The ArrowDeserialize trait deserializes a type from the corresponding arrow2::array::ArrowArray.


Features such as partial implementation specialization and generic associated types (currently only available in nightly builds) can greatly simplify the underlying implementation.

For example custom types need to explicitly enable Vec serialization via the arrow_enable_vec_for_type macro on the primitive type. This is needed since Vec is a special type in Arrow, but without implementation specialization there's no way to special-case it.

Availability of generaic associated types would simplify the implementation for large and fixed types, since a generic MutableArray can be defined. Ideally for code reusability, we wouldn’t have to reimplement ArrowSerialize and ArrowDeserialize for large and fixed size types since the primitive types are the same. However, this requires the trait functions to take a generic bounded mutable array as an argument instead of a single array type. This requires the ArrowSerialize and ArrowDeserialize implementations to be able to specify the bounds as part of the associated type, which is not possible without generic associated types.

As a result, we’re forced to sacrifice code reusability and introduce a little bit of complexity by providing separate ArrowSerialize and ArrowDeserialize implementations for large and fixed size types via placeholder structures. This also requires introducing the Type associated type to ArrowField so that the arrow type can be overriden via a macro field attribute without affecting the actual type.


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