
A blood bank app that maintains a record of blood donrs and their blood groups along with requests made by people for blood

Primary LanguageJava

About blood-db

Blood-db is a responsive android application that maintains a record of blood donors and their blood groups along with requests made by people to the blood donors for emergency blood requirements.


Makes it easy for the recipients to look for blood donors in emergency situations,helps in making contact easily. Included features are:

  1. User Database
  2. Authentication of user
  3. Login and signup options
  4. Make Requests
  5. Find donors in your own city

Working of the app

  1. The landing page of the app gives description about the application:

  2. The Awareness module Page:

  3. The Register page:

  4. The login page,used to log in to your account:

  5. The home page fragment, where the user can view the total donors and requests made and get submit a donor request:

  6. The Request and the donor application forms where the user adds necessary details:

  7. The Explore fragments where the user can view all the donors and requests:

    8.The Chatbot Module that helps user with queries

Tools used

  1. Realtime Database by firebase
  2. Firebase Authentication
  3. Firebase UI features
  4. Android Studio IDE
  5. Adobe XD for UI design
  6. Blender for 3D Modelling
  7. Python for Chatbot and ML models