
for sad Blackboard users

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


for sad Blackboard users

Export to markdown:

tsv2md.pl tries to understand these question types:

  • MC / MA (multiple choice): incorrect answers are stricken
  • TF (true/false): give the correct answer with a bullet
  • ORD (ordering): list answers in the correct order
  • SR short response

Sample usage:

$ ./tsv2md.pl < sample.tsv > output.md

Sample output:

MC 1 < 3

  • always
  • sometimes
  • never

MA n < m

  • always
  • sometimes
  • never
  • there's not enough information

TF This is a ridiculous question.

  • false

ORD List the following in the following order:

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c

SR So how's it going?

Import from markdown

md2tsv.pl tries to understand the same question types: MC, MA, TF, ORD, SR.

It expects you to leave a blank line between questions, like above.

Sample usage:

$ ./md2tsv.pl < sample.md > output.tsv

The above markdown produces the following tsv:

MC	1 < 3	always	correct	sometimes	incorrect	never	incorrect
MA	n < m	always	incorrect	sometimes	correct	never	incorrect	there's not enough information	correct
TF	Blah blah blah	false
ORD	List the following in the following order:	a	b	c
SR	So how's it going?