Let's Get Started, Coder!! Fill the following Document

  1. Which one of the following is an Imperative Language?

  2. HTML

  3. CSS

  4. Java Script

Answer: java Script

  1. Which one of the following is a Declarative Language?

  2. HTML

  3. CSS

  4. Java Script

Answer: HTML

  1. Name two uses of a DIV tag?

Answer: 1. It is used to create divisions between the contents in a web page.

  1. It makes the content more organised and can be styled using class .

  2. What is the difference between relative positioning and absolute positioning in HTML?

Answer: If we want to position elements inside item div class in relative position to it we use relative positioning and if we want to and if we want to position elements in relative to parent position ,then we use absolute positioning in HTML.

  1. What is the use of opacity in CSS?

Answer: Opacity is used to create a hover effect to display an element, when the mouse hovers over it.

  1. Which is the programming language used in the React Native Framework?

Answer: JSX

  1. Which online editor are we using for creating our apps in React Native Framework?

Answer: snack

  1. Write the steps to test your first designed app in the online editor on mobile.

Answer: For Android/iOS, you can install Expo Client, sign in with the same account and open the project from under Projects Tab. For Android/iOS, you can see the output on your phone by clicking run on your device.

  1. What is the use of the render function in React Native Framework?

Answer: ‘render()’ function simply displays whatever components are returned by it.

  1. What is the use of the return function in the React Native Framework?

Answer: Return function allows us to return the components to render so that it can be displayed by it.

  1. What are the various components in your first app that you designed?