
Sending email with attached pdfs through python

Primary LanguagePython

Email PDF Attachment from CSV Data

This Python script is designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Extract Data from CSV: Reads a CSV file containing 'Name' and 'Email' columns and extracts the data.
  • Attachment Handling: Searches for corresponding PDF files in a specified directory based on the 'Name' column extracted from the CSV.
  • Email Sending: Sends an email to each recipient, attaching the relevant PDF file if found.



  • Python 3.x
  • Libraries: csv, smtplib, email, glob


  1. CSV File: Prepare a CSV file containing 'Name' and 'Email' columns.
  2. PDF Directory: Specify the path to the directory containing the PDF files.


  1. File Configuration:

    • Replace file_path variable with the path to your CSV file in the emailListname.csv.
    • Replace pdf_directory variable with the path to the directory containing the PDF files.
    • Update the sender's email address and password.
  2. Run Script: Execute the Python script in your preferred environment.


  • The script attempts to find a PDF file for each 'Name' in the specified directory. If found, it sends an email with the attached PDF; otherwise, it prints a notification about the missing PDF for a particular name.
  • Ensure the proper configuration of sender's email and its authorization to send emails programmatically.

Sample Usage

python email_pdf_sender.py

Author: Aryamann Khare