Flanksource Frontend


  1. install nvm using instructions documented here
  2. after installing nvm run nvm install in the root directory of the repo, this will install the nodejs version needed for the front end setup. The version is set in .nvmrc
  3. after node install run npm install this will install all dependencies
  4. then run npm run dev to launch the front end application (note: api calls will be proxied to dev environment here).
  5. visit http://localhost:3004 to see front end changes.


Add NEXT_PUBLIC_WITHOUT_SESSION=true in .env.local to skip auth for local development.

Svg files

Run them through https://github.com/svg/svgo to make them compatible with react. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59820954/syntaxerror-unknown-namespace-tags-are-not-supported-by-default


See package.json scripts.