
This application is a clone of Instagram Application. It is just a small version created for learning purpose.

Primary LanguageJava

Instagram Clone

This app is just a small version created for learning purpose.

Connect the app to your Firebase project before running.

Also enable the following things in the Firebase console:

  1. Firebase Authentication with email/password authentication
  2. Firebase Storage
  3. Firebase Cloud Firestore under Firebase Database
  4. Also make sure the security rules are enabled before you run.

Technology Used :

Frontend -> XML -> https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_whatis.asp#:~:text=XML%20stands%20for%20eXtensible%20Markup,XML%20is%20a%20W3C%20Recommendation 
Backend -> JAVA -> https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_intro.asp
Database -> Firebase -> https://www.tutorialspoint.com/firebase/index.htm