The SWD app for Android, rebuilt with a new design and using the best practices in Android Development. Built entirely in Koltin.


  • Buy goodies
  • View your deductions and cancel orders
  • Check mess menu, apply for mess graces, and register for mess
  • View 212 bus timings
  • Contact student representatives and officials
  • Generate and download important documents
  • Request outstations and receive notifications once approved
  • Submit, edit, and delete MCN scholarship application
  • Edit your SWD profile

Tech stack & Open-source libraries

  • Minimum SDK level 23
  • MVVM Architecture
  • ViewModels with LiveData and Coroutines for asynchronous tasks
  • Hilt for dependency injection
  • Retrofit and Moshi for API calls and JSON parsing
  • Sealed classes to replace callbacks
  • Material Components
  • Coil to load images
  • Kotlin extension functions
  • Scooped storage
  • Jetpack Compose


The application is based on MVVM architecture using a repository pattern. It uses Jetpack components such as ViewModels to hold UI related data while being lifecycle aware and LiveData to notify the domain layer about changes in data.