Academic project for CSE4001 - Parallel and Distributed Computing
CSE4001 Parallel and Distributed Computing
Team Members
Aryan Blouria - 19BCE0330
Aryan Vats - 19BCE0336
Word Search Engines in the world are efficient enough for the current level of processing speed. But, as the technology evolves, the speed has to be greater than the present. The present method is a sequential method. The metrics of sequential methods are much inferior compared to that of multithreaded search.
Searching by keywords in News Articles becomes quite a necessity given the importance of time taken to search the right topic for a reader. With a search tool for News Articles, the reader could just search for the right articles with important information hassle free. With this project we plan to implement a search tool for Indian News Articles (using a news articles dataset taken from the Internet), based on multithreading with the help of OpenMP.
Dataset: Indian News Articles Dataset (from Kaggle). This dataset contains various Indian news articles from multiple sources like, etc. The main column of this dataset which will be needed for this project is the ‘content’ column.