
Javascript SDK for Sei

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project provides helpful javascript functions for developing with Sei written in Typescript.

Getting Started


For an in depth ReactJS tutorial please see our documentation.


yarn add @sei-js/core

Wallet Connection

This package is officially supported by the following wallets; one of which is required for front end development.

Basic wallet connection

import { connect } from '@sei-js/core/wallet';

const { accounts, offlineSigner } = connect('leap');

Connect to a custom node

If you need to connect to a custom node, chain, or simply use a specific rest/rpc url, the connect() function contains optional inputs for these values.

import { connect } from '@sei-js/core/wallet';

const { accounts, offlineSigner } = connect('keplr', 'atlantic-1', 'https://example-rest.com', 'https://example-rpc.com');

List of officially supported wallets

SUPPORTED_WALLETS contains the walletKeys which are the first input to the connect() function and are helpful to display wallet options in your UI.

import { SUPPORTED_WALLETS } from '@sei-js/core/wallet';

console.log(SUPPORTED_WALLETS); // [{ windowKey: 'keplr' }, { windowKey: 'leap' }, { windowKey: 'falcon' }, { windowKey: 'coin98' }]

Query Client

The proto query client is used to query data from modules. For a comprehensive list of all endpoints available please see our proto package.

import { QueryClient } from '@sei-js/core';

const queryClient = await QueryClient.getQueryClient('https://example-rpc.com');

// Getting the market summary from the Sei dex module

// Getting user balances from the Cosmos bank module

Signing Client

The signing client provides a way to sign and broadcast transactions on Sei.

Use getSigningClient to get your SigningStargateClient, with the Sei proto/amino messages loaded in.

Token transfer

import { SigningClient, Wallet } from '@sei-js/core';

const { accounts, offlineSigner } = Wallet.connect('leap');

const signingStargateClient = await SigningClient.getSigningClient({

const fee = calculateFee(100000, GasPrice.fromString('1usei'));
const transferAmount = { amount: SEND_AMOUNT, denom: TOKEN_DENOM };

const sendResponse = await signingStargateClient.sendTokens(accounts[0], DESTINATION_ADDRESSS, [transferAmount], fee);

IBC Token transfer

import { SigningClient, Wallet } from '@sei-js/core';

const { accounts, offlineSigner } = Wallet.connect('leap');

const signingStargateClient = await SigningClient.getSigningClient({

const fee = calculateFee(100000, GasPrice.fromString('1usei'));
const transferAmount = { amount: SEND_AMOUNT, denom: TOKEN_DENOM };

const ibcResponse = await signingStargateClient.sendIbcTokens(accounts[0].address, DESTINATION_ADDRESSS, transferAmount, 'transfer', CHANNEL_ID, undefined, undefined, fee)

Execute a contract (mint)

import { SigningClient, Wallet } from '@sei-js/core';

const { accounts, offlineSigner } = Wallet.connect('leap');

const signingStargateClient = await SigningClient.getSigningClient({

const account = accounts[0];
const mintMsg = { mint: {} };

const msg = {
   typeUrl: "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract",
   value: {
      sender: account.address,
      contract: CONTRACT_ADDR,
      msg: toUtf8(JSON.stringify(mintMsg)),
      funds: [],

const mintResponse = await signingStargateClient.signAndBroadcast(account.address, [msg], fee);

Related packages

  • @sei-js/react - A react helper library for common @sei-js/core functions
  • @sei-js/proto - TypeScript library for Sei protobufs generated using Telescope

