Clone Repo:
git clone https://github.com/aryangupta701/django-monitoring-restro/
Switch to Project Directory:
cd django-monitoring-restro
Activate Environment:
source ../bin/activate
In the data folder add -
source ./bin/activate
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py load_data
python manage.py runserver
METHOD - GET<report-id>
Every time is converted into UTC before use
To get all the unique store_id the database table store_status is used
- An interpolation curve is being formed with points defined as timestamps (in seconds) of the poll of previous 10 days using scipy using the following code
interp_func = interp1d(timestamps, states, kind='nearest', fill_value='extrapolate')
On X-axis - Timestamp ( timestamps )
On Y-axis - Either 0 (for inactive) or 1 (for active) is stored ( states )
- Now to calculate last-hour uptime used the following logic :
Iterated over each second in the last hour and checked if the timestamp of the second is within the range of working hours of that day or not.
If it is in the range then append it to the
array -
Now pass this array to the interpolation object and it will return the predicted values of each timestamp in
which consists of either 0 or 1. -
Now uptime can be calculated by adding the whole
array -
To calculate the downtime we can be calculated by subtracting the uptime from the total length of
The same logic is used for the calculation of last day and last week.
At the uptime and downtime which were calculated in seconds and converted into the required format (hours or minutes )