
My Manga List 2.0 it's a improved version of My Manga List. It's still a place to organise the manga you're reading, but it separates different series of mangas and its volumes.


You can add all your read and to-be-read mangas and this API will organize it for you.

  • Add a manga series by its name, author, genre and a image. And add all volumes from its series you've previously added by its volume number, image and the total amount of chapters.
  • List all series added, as well as all volumes added.
  • List manga series by different genres such as shounen, shoujo, seinen and josei.
  • Updating a manga you're currently reading so you don't miss the chapter you paused.
  • Rate your manga volume once you've finished it, including a description on how you've liked it.
  • Delete a manga volume from your database.



POST: /series
Adding a new manga series to your db:
	- Body: { 
		"name": "SPYxFAMILY", 
		"author": "Tatsuya Endo", 
		"genre": "shounen",
		"image": "" 

GET: /series
Return all series you've added.

GET: /genre?genre=shounen
Return all series from a specific genre.


POST: /volume
Adding a new volume from a series you've already added:
	- Body: { 
		"serie_name": "SPYxFAMILY",
		"number": 1
		"image": "",
		"total_chapters": 20,
GET: /volume
List of all volumes you've added.

PUT: /volume
Update a volume that you're currently reading.
	- Body: { 
		"serie_name": "SPYxFAMILY",
		"number": 1
		"status": "reading",
		"read_chapters": 10

PUT: /finish
Update a volume that you finished, you can add a rating and a avaliation in the description area.
	- Body: { 
		"serie_name": "SPYxFAMILY",
		"number": 1
		"status": "read",
		"read_chapters": 20,
		"rating": "5.0",
		"description": "Anya likes peanuts, but hates carrots"

DELETE: /volume/:volumeId
Delete a volume by its id.