
The planet icons from Outer Wilds redrawn as .svg


The planet icons from the game Outer Wilds redrawn as .svg


The following icons are included in this repo.

  • Ash Twin
  • Attlerock
  • Brittle Hollow
    • Brittle Hollow v1
    • Brittle Hollow v2
    • Brittle Hollow v3
  • Dark Bramble
  • Ember Twin
  • Eye Coordinates
  • Giant's Deep
    • Giant's Deep v1
    • Giant's Deep v2
  • Hollow Lantern
  • Hourglass Twins
  • Interloper
  • Orbital Probe Canon
  • Quantum Moon
  • Sun Station
    • Sun Station v0
    • Sun Station v1
  • The Eye
    • The Eye
    • The full Eye
  • The Stranger Eye
  • Timber Hearth
  • White Hole Station


I did not originially create most of these icons and merely redrew from lower quality reference images i found online or in the game.

The following icons were either directly created by me or are my alterations of previously existing icons.

  • Brittle Hollow
    • Britt Hollow v2
    • Britt Hollow v3
  • Giant's Deep v2
  • Orbital Probe Canon
  • Sun Station
  • The Full Eye


From my side you can do whatever you want with these icons, just pls credit me and don't involve them in any bigotry. I can't speak for whoever holds the rights to the icons that i did not originally create.

Some Previews

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