Flashcard Generator

It helps to create multiple number of flashcards.


We created this project with the help of Front-end technologies called HTML, tailwind CSS and JS library i.e., React JS and also used some of the libraries called Formik and Yup for React form validation. This project contains 3 main components

  1. Navbar : This is common for all the components.
  2. Create New : It is used to create multiple number of flashcards.
  3. My flashcards : In this component we can see all flashcards which are created.
  4. View card : By clicking on particular card in My-flashcards component, it will navigate to view card details page.
  5. Modal : It is used to show sharable links and we can easily copy browser URL by clicking on copy icon.

Built With

Front-End Development : React JS, HTML, Tailwind CSS and Good Amount of Javascript.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running... follow these simple example steps.


Node Should Be Installed in Your System.


Use clone method or download project using ZIP file in your your computer.

Open project in vs code and follow the below steps in Vs terminal to install node-modules.

Method 1. Using downloaded ZIP file from GITHUB.

1.Install node-modules

npm install

2.Change directory

cd <project-name>

3.Excution command (it will open localhost server)

npm start

Method 2. Using clone method.

1.Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/github_username_/project-name.git

2.Install NPM packages

npm install

3.Excution command

npm start


If you are not able to use Tailwind CSS, open official Tailwind CSS website and Follow the steps to set up for React environment.

