A Well Maintained Repository On Quantum Computing Resources [Code+Theory] Updated Regularly During My Time At IBM, Qubit x Qubit And The Coding School's Introduction To Quantum Computing Course '21
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aaronstone1310Indian Institute of Science Education and Research,Tirupati
- Aayush71727Jaipur,India
- abdelhajji
- AdityaV0909Pune
- AryaMuraliSKasaragod, Kerala, India
- aryashah2k@openAOD
- ashishpatel26IBM
- AsymptoticBrain
- at-tyrone-fella
- bariskaraerOzyegin University
- bhaveshlohanaIndia
- calm-cookieBirla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
- CwicknissProcyon
- davidedellagiustinaScuola Superiore Universitaria "Di Toppo Wassermann", University of Udine
- eueungInstitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
- ggallenoMilan, Italy
- IbrahimMalak
- Jabi7
- LaszloSolyom2020
- nataliec-png
- nayakanirudhaBangalore
- NeaamHaririSaudi Arabia
- nikxtacoGovt. Model Engineering College
- pritul2University of Texas Dallas
- rossovitale
- Rupayan-hub
- sajwanamit
- satishlanke
- Sidx369
- suraphanLBangkok
- suryaembar
- sydelcid
- trial1user
- vasarajasekhar
- ViratKothariSabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust, Xporium
- ztcieslinska