A simple chatbot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Labo is a simple chat bot made by arydev and onther githob contributers is dosent use Ml the answerse are manualy writen if you want to learn some python this is a gud simple project

how to use

            "what is your name" -display labo's name
            "my name" -devs name
            "about" -abouth bot
            "where are you from" -where lisa is from
            "how old are you" -how old is lisa
            "what is the date" -tells the curent date
            "what is the time" tels the curent time
            "bye" exit


Labo is a Sololearn progect originaly made by Arydev for learning porposes


the curent version is 2.0

What LABO can do

labo can respond to diferent mesages and tell you her birthday

Insatlation Clone or dowonload this repository(if you dowonloaded extract the zip) and run the main.py file

To Do 1 make a working gui

2 make a api
