
A Zmanim library for Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A Ruby library for Zmanim.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'zmanim'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install zmanim


Some common examples include...

Zmanim calculations

# Initialize a new ZmanimCalendar object, defaults to using today's date in GMT, located at Greenwich, England
zmanim = Zmanim::ZmanimCalendar.new
#=> #<Zmanim::ZmanimCalendar:0x007fa73c2ec7d8 @geo_location=#<Zmanim::Util::GeoLocation:0x007fa73c2ec710 @location_name="Greenwich, England", @latitude=51.4772, @longitude=0, @time_zone=#<TZInfo::DataTimezone: GMT>, @elevation=0>, @date=#<Date: 2018-01-09 ((2458128j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, @astronomical_calculator=#<Zmanim::Util::NOAACalculator:0x007fa73c24e920>, @candle_lighting_offset=18>

# Calculate the sunset for today at that location
#=> #<DateTime: 2018-01-08T16:10:12+00:00 ((2458127j,58212s,336684777n),+0s,2299161j)>        

# Prepare a new location
location = Zmanim::Util::GeoLocation.new('Lakewood, NJ', 40.0721087, -74.2400243, 'US/Eastern', elevation: 15)
#=> #<Zmanim::Util::GeoLocation:0x007fa73c1c5008 @location_name="Lakewood, NJ", @latitude=40.0721087, @longitude=-74.2400243, @time_zone=#<TZInfo::DataTimezone: US/Eastern>, @elevation=15> 

# Initialize a new ZmanimCalendar object, passing a specific location and date
zmanim = Zmanim::ZmanimCalendar.new(geo_location: location, date: Date.parse('2017-12-15'))
#=> #<Zmanim::ZmanimCalendar:0x007fa73c33ee98 @geo_location=#<Zmanim::Util::GeoLocation:0x007fa73c1c5008 @location_name="Lakewood, NJ", @latitude=40.0721087, @longitude=-74.2400243, @time_zone=#<TZInfo::DataTimezone: US/Eastern>, @elevation=15>, @date=#<Date: 2017-12-15 ((2458103j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, @astronomical_calculator=#<Zmanim::Util::NOAACalculator:0x007fa73c33ee48>, @candle_lighting_offset=18>

# Calculate Sof Zman Krias Shma for that location/date per the opinion of GR"A
#=> #<DateTime: 2017-12-15T09:32:09-05:00 ((2458103j,52329s,383390214n),-18000s,2299161j)>

Date Calculations

# Initialize a new JewishDate object with today's date 
date = Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::JewishDate.new
# => #<Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::JewishDate:0x007fa73c2976e8 @gregorian_date=#<Date: 2018-01-09 ((2458128j,0s,0n),+0s,-Infj)>, @absolute_date=736703, @day_of_week=3, @molad_chalakim=0, @molad_minutes=0, @molad_hours=0, @jewish_year=5778, @jewish_month=10, @jewish_day=22>

# Initialize a HebrewDateFormatter object
formatter = Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::HebrewDateFormatter.new
#=> #<Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::HebrewDateFormatter:0x007fa73c2ec558 ...>

# Format the jewish date
#=> "22 Teves, 5778" 

# Change the formatter to use hebrew
formatter.hebrew_format = true
#=> "כ״ב טבת תשע״ח"  

Jewish Calendar occasions

# Initialize a new JewishCalendar object with a specific Jewish date
calendar = Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::JewishCalendar.new(5778, 7, 4)
# => #<Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::JewishCalendar:0x007fa73c256ad0 @gregorian_date=#<Date: 2017-09-24 ((2458021j,0s,0n),+0s,-Infj)>, @absolute_date=736596, @day_of_week=1, @molad_chalakim=0, @molad_minutes=0, @molad_hours=0, @jewish_year=5778, @jewish_month=7, @jewish_day=4, @in_israel=false, @use_modern_holidays=false>

formatter = Zmanim::HebrewCalendar::HebrewDateFormatter.new

# Format the name of a significant day
#=> "Fast of Gedalyah"

# Format the name of a significant shabbos
calendar.set_jewish_date(5778, 7, 3)
#=> "Shabbos Shuva"

Learning cycles

# Fetch the daf for a calendar day
daf = calendar.daf_yomi_bavli
#=> #<Zmanim::Limudim::Limud:0x007fa73c1c7c40 ...>
#=> "sanhedrin 69"

# Format the daf
limud_formatter = Zmanim::Limudim::LimudimFormatter.new
limud_formatter.hebrew_format = true
#=> "סנהדרין סט"

# Format the parsha of the week
parsha = calendar.parshas_hashavua
#=> "פרשת האזינו"

There is much more functionality included than demonstrated here. Feel free to experiment or read the source code to learn more!


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pinnymz/ruby-zmanim. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Zmanim project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.